In an effort to regain my health and get surf-ready for this summer, I've been taking a serious assessment of its current state and how I can improve it. A great way to flush out all the toxins of the old year is to go on a detox in January. I've just been reading about the detox diet that Kate Moss, Gwynneth Paltrow and Cate Blanchett swear by:
I already don't do a lot of processed foods but can confess to having a cookie or two over the Christmas holidays and at least a slice of that first-from-scratch pie I baked in a completely retro moment, under the influence of a friend who not only bakes but actually cooks. I have had several friends involved in the raw foods movement and I tend to eat a lot of fresh salads and fish. I cut out salt years ago. So what needs detoxing you might ask?
In a word: coffee. The detox recommends tapering down on coffee ahead of time, and when my friends stop rolling on the floor (I love coffee - a lot!) I am already ahead on that score. I've stocked the house with herbal tea and only had 3 coffees this week, including one at our fabulous local coffee house put on by the Folk Society here in Whitehorse this past Saturday night. (It's a great night out btw with one featured act and a sign up sheet that included such Yukon greats as Joe Bishop and Kevin Barr - watch Artsnet for details of the next one on Feb. 6, 2010).
I'm already sleeping better at night even with the afternoon catch-up naps, the ones making up for all that sleep deprivation in my former over-caffeinated state. So as I take a sip of my blueberry ginseng tea, I'll sign off for now. I'll see if I can scare up that detox book or a similar one at Whitehorse Public Library this week and report back on my progress.
btw that's a camera phone pic so it came out a little blurry