For the first month, it was difficult to move. Sitting in any position was uncomfortable, even in bed with a pillow behind me. Getting up was excruciating and made me scream out loud. Typing on the laptop was a feat I managed only by holding my breath. I had to sit still, a lot, and while my body couldn't move, my brain went on overdrive. I read tons of history for the book I'm working on and mostly to transport myself to another place and time where pain didn't exist.
But I had good friends to help me recover. Starr gave me a professional massage that allowed me to move semi-freely and conduct interviews with my biography subject, wincing only when I had to get up from the couch. My friend Bob took me out to movies, helping me out of the theatre seat and down icy roads. James, as always, kept me positive. Esther and Al loaned me a body pillow to cushion me on restless nights.
My friends also accompanied me to the Canada Games centre where first I soaked only in the hot tub, then gently flexed my limbs in the leisure pool, then finally donned flippers to try long slow lengths, chatting all the while. Stretching was a challenge, not only because of the injury but because I had been made to sit still for so long. I'm not good at sitting still.
The dogs were patient, snuggling next to me while my body healed but overjoyed when we finally got back out for walks. I still have to choose off-leash trails because I'm afraid the pull of two strong dogs would reinjure me, regressing all the careful progress I've made. I take breaks after a couple of days walking in a row. Yesterday I stayed home working. Today, I was back on the Chadburn Lake Trail getting the dogs out for a 3-hour hike on this beautiful sunny and only -15 day. It gave me a chance to catch up with my friend Paul who just got back from his girlfriend's art show in Juneau. (He took the photo.)
I'm starting to feel better but because of the long recovery time I went for x-rays before xmas to make sure there is nothing more serious going on. I feel the tightness in my back only after long walks or too many quick movements, running errands or on my one brief foray onto the dance floor. But my leg still has shooting pain and numbness and I can't put all my weight on it when changing into my bathing suit.
I need to rebuild my core strength and have both my legs stable to get back up on that board. The ocean is a tough taskmaster, and sometimes so is life, but I'll do it.